Monday, 29 September 2014

Preliminary task

Preliminary task – LSC magazine planning

This magazine consists of a medium close-up of a student, from the waist up, which would be required in my magazine, the shot is also placed over the text or masthead / in the middle of the magazine with text around her, showing her importance. The magazine also has coverlines spread around the magazine cover advertising what the rest of the magazine will hold, for example, one of the cover line on the front of the magazine say “Spice up your resume” with this, the text has been placed word for word separately underneath each other, which is appealing to the eye, this also appeals to students as it’s something to do with college and it’s something that can benefit them in the future, these kind of things would be helpful for me to write about when producing my college magazine. The teasers underneath also help to explain, for instance, “(And cover letter too!)” to further intense or add that shock factor to the article.

The masthead, being “College” is written in a typical college life font, for example, a font you would expect to see on a hoodie or t-shirt colleges can sometimes give, etc, this is so the font will look familiar to readers as well as seeming more easier and laid back to read, as the font isn't complicated or too small, as well as this, the font is quite big, which will help it to stand out. Despite the basic title, “College” it will automatically appeal to college students, as college magazines aren't that popular, students would mostly likely to be interested in what the magazine will cover, as well as the magazine being free, students will want to pick up the magazine.

The date of the magazine is written quite small on the upper right hand side of the magazine, underneath the masthead written in red, this tiny text is written in black and red. The issue number is written in small black text, to possibly stand out, and then the date, written in red, is next to the issue number. As well as this, the edition is written on the opposite side of the magazine, in the same size font and colour. The barcode is placed on the bottom left of the magazine, the size of the bar code is quite big compare to the text, however, this can be to advertise the fact that the magazine is “100% free”, The barcode is also the only white part of the magazine, which makes the barcode stand out more.

The type of Cover Lines and teasers are written to appeal to the target audience will is college students, this can mean late teens to mid-20’s etc.  For instance, one cover line on this magazine, “ABC family Greek exclusive interview” will appeal to the audience as the people who they are interviewing will have an ‘importance’ to people around the age, due to them being focused on in the media and social networks, we also have another cove line talking about sexuality, which may appeal to young people in general who are afraid about telling people that they’re possibly gay, it may help to make them feel like it’s okay.

Preliminary task - Contents 

With the sections of this contents page, it is sectioned depending on the genre/what will be in the articles, in total there are 6 main sections, with smaller sections inside of those, numbering the key pages through out the magazine. As an example of this, there is a section called entertainment, there is then a sub-heading giving a teaser of what will be in the article, then below this, there is further writing usually stating or quoting something from the article. 

There are only four images on this contents page, one quite small, centred in between the sections of the article, this links from the front cover. The three images at the top of the page are pictures of people/ events which will feature in the articles, for example, on the top right of the page, their is a picture of someone who is featured in the interview, which is also advertised on the front page, to further attract the audience. 

This magazine only has one page for contents, and provides no editorial letter. 

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