Monday, 22 September 2014

Induction Evaluation

Induction Assignment - Evaluation


For the induction assignment, I was asked to produce a DPS for a magazine of my choice, within this magazine, we had to have some journalistic writing. In this writing we had to discuss our opinion on whether we feel that music piracy is destroying the industry. So the first thing we had to do, before creating the DPS and the final writing, was research some facts/statistics to back up our point.


As I mentioned previously, during the assignment, we had to research many different things including statistics and facts to back up our argument on whether we agree or disagree that music piracy is killing the industry - I got given to argue that music piracy IS destroying the music industry. With this, it required me to look up many things such as what artists agree, why they agree, and there opinion on music piracy, facts showing sales dropping since music piracy - and what music piracy is, what forms it comes in.


With researching, I think a strength of mine was finding facts / statistics with sources to back up the information I got, I also added an opinion to each fact or statement to show whether I agree with what's being said. A weakness of mine when researching was finding artists opinions, I feel that if I had the chance to re write my journalistic writing I would go into more detail and find a more variety of artists opinions on music piracy - and research some artists who have been effected by music piracy. I also had to keep in mind my target audience, which was late teens to mid-20, this was important as I would have to keep in mind what and how I would need to write to appeal to my audience


With my journalistic writing I feel as if I had more weaknesses than strengths - this is as my writing skills aren't as good as what they could be, I also always find that I struggle to comprehend and get down all my ideas to do with this subject without writing too much waste in-between. However, I feel as if I got all the required skills down when looking at and producing journalistic writing. My strength would be that I feel as if I went into detail with all my opinions, showing that I can back up any ideas I think of. If I had a change to re-produce my writing I would probably re structure my layout.


We had to use InDesign to produce and layout our double page spread. Before this, I had never heard of or used the application before, considering this, I feel as if I did a relatively good job. My strengths of using InDesign and setting out my work would probably be that I feel as if I used a good range of font size and images. This is as I used around 2 different fonts and around 5 different images - however, if I could improve one thing, being my weakness, I would probably improve the way I laid out my text - because i had a lot of text, the DPS ended up looking quite squashed and unappealing.


For web publishing skills, being blogging, I feel like this whole process was fine for me as I had a blogger before the induction started so I was familiar with the process of uploading or submitting files etc on blogs, therefore I believe I had no specific weaknesses.


The audience feedback was an important part of this task as it helps me to be able to know what I have to improve on in the next task / main parts of my coursework. This is with both writing skills including my journalistic writing and my InDesign skills. It’s also important to get feedback from more than one person as people have different views, aka having feedback from both a student and a teacher will allows you to get feedback from different viewpoints.


Overall, if I was able to re-produce my work, or was given the chance to alter 4 things about my DPS:


 - It would firstly be to change the amount of text I had on my DPS - due to me having a lot of journalistic writing on my magazine it was quite hard to position and fit all the text on the page without the page looking too crammed.

 - Secondly, I would change the layout of my page - such as where the images were placed and how they were sized / positioned.

 - Another thing I would change would be my journalistic writing - I would change the things I wrote about in my writing / I would include more short facts and more opinions from artists

 - Lastly, I would add more colour to my DPS - as for this, I only used black and white, which can be boring.



Paige Norman

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