Question 4
notes – Question 4 and 5 are both based around audience and audience feedback,
but they are different pathways. For this question, you can refer to press pack/
media kit for help. Here you are to
describe WHO exactly you audience are, gender, age, social status, working
class, ethnicity, what kind of fashion and things your audience would buy, that
kind of information. You should also refer to your magazine / pitch, the slide outlining
audience. Demographic, Socio-Economic profiling. For this, you could create
your own Press Pack, Following magazine color schemes.
Question 5 –
Question 4 identified who the audience is, Question 5 is talking about how you addressed
the audience. For instance, the techniques you have used in your magazine, what
have you done to entice the audience. ‘New media technologies’ <- Facebook,
Twitter. QR code -> accessing things through your phone etc. Then talk about
Models you have used, Color scheme, Fonts, Use of language/Register, How the
model addresses the audience. Reflect on feedback, Comment on it, about recommendations,
if you have listened, the good and bad suggestions/comments.
Question 6 –
You have to discuss every bit of technology you have used.
(Image manipulation purposes)
In-Design (Is
professional for page layouts, what other magazines use)
(Create text, has abilities you can’t have in Photoshop)
Blogger (Media
technology, to show journey/progress, Easy platform, online it is interactive,
family friends can see it)
Photography studio
(Massive importance, with the notes we got, explain why we used the
professional studio, discuss the lighting, DSLR cameras – resolution, color,
backdrops) Refer back to notes and set-up of studio.
Technologies in
evaluation ( Come back and answer this part of the question when you have
finished all of the questions, then explain why you have used the ones you
chose, how you thought they were appropriate)
Magazine Pitch
(Used PowerPoint, because I was comfortable with the layout, the fonts, the way
it looked simple, etc.)
Give an overall of the tools that you have used on Photoshop,
In-Design and other applications, go through why you used ruler lines, blur
tools, resizing pictures, frames and other things.
Question 7 – For this question, you will need to refer
back to a lot of previous tasks, Firstly, the actual college magazine, using
transitions, pictures, notes. Have at least two visual differences, being the
college magazine and then the Music magazine, to show progress and what you
have learnt on both of the tasks. On a practical, Technical and Theoretical level
– Appropriate use of fonts, are the images appropriate, is it all original
material, pixelated, eye contact. Theoretical level being terminology, the semiotic
analysis. The meaning of a pull quote, anchorage. Dissect your magazine.