Friday, 12 December 2014

The Evaluation - Notes Continued

Question 4 notes – Question 4 and 5 are both based around audience and audience feedback, but they are different pathways. For this question, you can refer to press pack/ media kit for help.  Here you are to describe WHO exactly you audience are, gender, age, social status, working class, ethnicity, what kind of fashion and things your audience would buy, that kind of information. You should also refer to your magazine / pitch, the slide outlining audience. Demographic, Socio-Economic profiling. For this, you could create your own Press Pack, Following magazine color schemes.
Question 5 – Question 4 identified who the audience is, Question 5 is talking about how you addressed the audience. For instance, the techniques you have used in your magazine, what have you done to entice the audience. ‘New media technologies’ <- Facebook, Twitter. QR code -> accessing things through your phone etc. Then talk about Models you have used, Color scheme, Fonts, Use of language/Register, How the model addresses the audience. Reflect on feedback, Comment on it, about recommendations, if you have listened, the good and bad suggestions/comments.
Question 6 – You have to discuss every bit of technology you have used.
·         Photoshop (Image manipulation purposes)
·         In-Design (Is professional for page layouts, what other magazines use)
·         Illustrator (Create text, has abilities you can’t have in Photoshop)
·         Blogger (Media technology, to show journey/progress, Easy platform, online it is interactive, family friends can see it)
·         Photography studio (Massive importance, with the notes we got, explain why we used the professional studio, discuss the lighting, DSLR cameras – resolution, color, backdrops) Refer back to notes and set-up of studio.
·         Technologies in evaluation ( Come back and answer this part of the question when you have finished all of the questions, then explain why you have used the ones you chose, how you thought they were appropriate)
·         Magazine Pitch (Used PowerPoint, because I was comfortable with the layout, the fonts, the way it looked simple, etc.)
·         Timetoast

Give an overall of the tools that you have used on Photoshop, In-Design and other applications, go through why you used ruler lines, blur tools, resizing pictures, frames and other things.

Question 7 – For this question, you will need to refer back to a lot of previous tasks, Firstly, the actual college magazine, using transitions, pictures, notes. Have at least two visual differences, being the college magazine and then the Music magazine, to show progress and what you have learnt on both of the tasks. On a practical, Technical and Theoretical level – Appropriate use of fonts, are the images appropriate, is it all original material, pixelated, eye contact. Theoretical level being terminology, the semiotic analysis. The meaning of a pull quote, anchorage. Dissect your magazine. 

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

10/12/2014 // Tomorrow's Workshop

Here a list of things that need to be done tomorrow during the workshop? -

1 // Finish Contents Page

2 // Make sure ALL things are finished and Perfect

3// Make a blog with Final DPS/COVER/CONTENTS

09/12/2014 // Contents Nearly Done

Here is what my contents page is like without my final touches being the additional photography

Friday, 5 December 2014

Thursday, 4 December 2014

04/12/2014 // Contents page

Updates on contents page, I changed from this
To this, as an advertisement is not as important as my contents and my magazine would look better with a double page contents.

04/12/2014 // DPS

Here is what my DPS is currently looking like, i feel as if it is very close to being finished, with just some minor changes to font and positioning.

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

02/12/14 // DPS update

In my feedback I was told that the font I had used wasn't
so clear to read, so I decided to change the font, I personally think this font suits way more.

02/12/2014 // Class feedback

When I was away yesterday due to a photography trip, the class had a group session where they commented on the current work they had, this was so that the class had feedback to work of off.
I asked two of my classmates and miss to comment on my current work, which is this -

Here is my feedback - 

Maraam – Front cover // make cover lines more bold and noticeable as they won’t be seen from a distance. Contents // Edit font to bigger size and finish – DPs // Just finish off and make sure columns are in line

Aadam – Front cover // very good organisation, photography is good however font is hard to read or isn't eye catching enough. // Contents page is unique which makes it different from competitors, you may want to decrease the size of the exclusive feature box. // DPs the layout is really good, but again the font you have used is quite dismissive, e.g “large blocks of text”

Teacher Feedback –

Front cover // the genre is very clear in terms of the picture, styling, colour scheme and choice of font.  I wonder if you need a banner behind the masthead to make it stand out more.  Also there is too much text in the cover lines and they are not always easy to read. You should make each cover line a separate layer for the main cover line, so you can experiment with layout and move each part around.

Contents // make it clear that the main story is the cover story- give it a header.  Remove the advert. Replace this with categories such as features, regulars, news… you could add an editor’s letter. Upper case throughout does not work. Can you find a similar font that allows lower case as well? Upper case / bold for the headers is fine however,

DPs // upper case throughout- see my comment above. The shots of your model are all very similar- medium close up. Add some more variety.  Measure the columns. Add a solid line in the fold so that it shows in the export. Add the masthead / website to the top or bottom of each page to brand the magazine. There is too much empty space. Try adding a text box- e.g. with facts about her or her fans.

Thursday, 27 November 2014

27/11/2014 // Possible AD for magazine

Here is a possible AD in which i could include in my magazine 

27/11/2014 // journalistic writing for DPS

Journalistic Writing

What made you want to make music?
From a young age, music was something I was always interested in doing, I knew especially that music was going to be my future when I started doing music in secondary school, I was one of the only people I knew who liked rock music, and the others, no offence, all followed that stereotype, they all had black or pink or red hair, piercings, heavy make-up, etc, but for me it was different, I always got people coming up to me like “ you like rock music? Really? How?” all those types of questions, I just told them I am myself, and that just because you like a certain genre of music, it doesn’t mean that you need to dress to fit the stereotypes of said genre.
I said to myself from that point that if I ever made music I would want to show that just because I listen to rock music, or anyone else listens to rock music, you don’t need to look like you do. I said to myself that if or when I made music, id surprise the industry with sophistication and pink flowers.

How did you go about starting your band?
When I knew I wanted to make a band and start making music, I found it quite hard to find people who I wanted in my band. There was a lot of people in my school who listened to the same music as me, which was great, but A, I never got along with them that way, and B, I wanted people like me, I’m not saying I was a rare person, but 99% of people that like rock,you would look at them and know. So I started making music myself, well trying too, I’d go into the music department at school and record one instrument at a time, fix timing etc, it was stressful, and quite lonely, so I done what I should’ve done in the first place, auditions.
I slowly found people who I liked, and who I knew or thought would be exactly what I wanted, some I found through band rehearsal and audition, others were friends of friends, and then I got started.

What was the aim for your music / band?
To produce music obviously, was my first aim, my main aim was to show to the rock audience and genre and other audiences that you don’t have to portray the music you listen to through clothing or make-up, no one has to look at you and be able to define your choices. I wanted to produce the music you’d hear globally in rock music, but have an image where people would look at our band and be like “they’re a rock group…. Seriously…?” I wanted the audience to be confused, but hopefully grasp what we were trying to portray.

How do you deal with hateful comments about your style?
I never really got anything hateful, THAT much, it was more like, they didn’t understand why I was ‘trying’ to be so different, or trying to prove a point which didn’t need to be proven, which was right, many people didn’t understand why I should try to prove a point which wasn’t important, I didn’t understand myself either at the start, but if something is Important to you, always make sure you stick up for yourself and what you believe in, never let anyone determine your fate.

How do you personally deal with people’s reactions / stereotypes?
I get a lot of people thinking that I’m making up the fact that I listen to rock music, that I’m one of those girls which say it to look different or want to stand out, and I’m not going to lie, I would probably think the same If I saw myself for the first time, but the fact is, people react to what they haven’t seen, or what’s different, and a reaction is a reaction, to me, either way its good, if I get someone going “oh look at her who does she think she is” it’s still a sign that myself and what I’m doing is being acknowledged, so for me, I’m happy with people having opinions on me.
Where do you want your band to go in the future?
As far as we can, worldwide. I want us to be known for our music and what we’re doing, all over the world really, I don’t want my band and career to stop anytime soon, really.

Who are you trying to reach out to?

Everyone really, especially people who wouldn’t usually listen to rock, who usually aren’t interested in that genre, I want to reach out to teens who are maybe afraid to listen to rock, who assume that everyone who listens to that genre are ‘scene’ or ‘emo’ because it brings confidence down, it can hurt some people being called a freak or something just because their music taste is somewhat different to the norm, and it needs to stop, so I hope we, as a band,  can help it. 

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

25/11/2014 // Contents Page

 I re started my contents page as I realised that in my flat plan i said that it would be DPS with a advertisement of her GIG

Contents page so far

Monday, 24 November 2014

24/11/14 // Contents Page First

I started my contents page but did not get that far as i kept changing general layout etc.

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

18/11/2014 // Front Cover Start

In class at the moment I am focusing on my front cover of my magazine, here is where I am currently at, i have changed colour scheme to pink/purple white and black, changed font so it matches masthead and changed main image twice.

In the next lesson I want to have a final masthead and half or nearly all of the magazine front cover to be done..

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Pitch video

Here is the video of my pitch presentation -

this video is also on youtube at -

Monday, 10 November 2014

Adobe Illustrator - Notes

Adobe Illustrator Basic Tutorial 

I was not in when the lesson was taking place as i was modelling for another girl in my class, for this reason, i was looking at for help / notes. when i get the chance i will re-write and try my own, but for now, i understand the notes written and feel this will help me when creating my own, 

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Additional photography

Here are the pictures i am using for my additional photography

Second photoshoot - Call sheet

Second Photoshoot

I felt as if i needed more pictures for my contents page and other members of my band which will feature the DPS and things like that, so i booked another appointment for the 6th, this is when i took more varied pictures.

Here are some examples of the photos i took on that day -

Additional Photography - Call sheet